Ethical Hacking #4 : Enumerating User

This post, we will use wpscan to enumerate users from a wordpress website, which is basically finding the usernames of the website by using wpscan.

Wpscan is built in in kali so all we need to do is do the following commands.

wpscan --url URL_HERE --enumerate u

After typing the command, it will start.

Then if the process succeeds, it will display all the usernames found.

Ethical Hacking #3 : Harvester

The Harvester is a built-in tool in Kali used to obtain information of user’s email, domain,  employee names, open ports and banners from different public sources like search engines.

This is usually used by penetration testers for foot printing.

To begin using the tool, just type :

theharvester -d companyname.domain -l 500 -b google

500 is the amount of results wanted. It can be replaced with any number

Google is the search engine, we can change it to

  • twitter
  • linkedin
  • bing
  • etc

It will then show results depending on which search engine you choose.

Ethical Hacking #2 : CUPP

Using CUPP to guess passwords

CUPP ( stands for common user password profiler ) is a useful tool in cracking passwords. It uses information that is given and makes few possible passwords based on common users.

How to use :

You will need to git clone the repository from github
git clone
Then get in to the directory by
cd /path/to/cupp

To run the cupp:

python3 -i

And then just fill all the fields required.

When you’re done, it will output a txt file with all the possible passwords.

Ethical Hacking #1 : Installing Kali

# How to install Kali Linux

What you need :

  • Virtual Box
  • Kali Linux ISO

Steps :

  1. First, you will need to download Virtual Box.
  2. Then, you will need to download Kali ISO. If you don’t know what to pick, just pick the default, Kali Linux 32 bit or 64 bit depending on your computer.
  3. Then you will want to run VirtualBox to start running the setup.
  4. Press ‘new’.
  5. Name the machine as you like and select the directory as you wish. The type would be linux and the version would be debian. Make sure you select the same amount of bit as the ISO you downloaded.
  6. Then, allocate some memory based on your usage. You can use the default preset.
  7. After you will need to create the virtual hard disk based on your usage. Choose fixed size if you don’t want the OS to take much of your space.
  8. After that, you can start. It will ask for the ISO needed to continue, appoint this to the Kali ISO you downloaded earlier.
  9. After that, proceed with graphic install.
  10. Choose the language, location and keyboard preferences as you like.
  11. You can configure the hostname of the guest, otherwise you can also stick to ‘kali’.
  12. Configuring your domain is not necessary so it is okay to be blank.
  13. Then you will need to configure the password of the root account.
  14. Next step is the disk, you can use the use entire disk setup. But for extra layer of security, you might want to use the ‘entire disk and set up encrypted LVM’.
  15. Then you can go ahead and use all files in one partition.
  16. Then finish partitioning and write changes to disk.
  17. Then you can leave the rest blank.
  18. After done, you can log in the system as root user and password you previously entered.
  19. Done.

Construct 2 Final Project Report


My final project that I am working with Longlong Tjandra and Kevin Tarada is finally done with our team focusing on the chemistry side of science. Our game is about mixing acid and alkali to make salt.

My main role in this project is the designer since I am the mac user. I searched for the pictures that are used in the project and making sure they are consistent. All images provided in this blog are the picture from the running game.

Basically, our game focuses the player on taking ‘potions’ which they are either acid or alkali, and challenges them to make the right salt for the table to be scored. The faster they mix the right salt, the bigger score they get and they have 3 chances to give the wrong salt. After 3 wrong salts, the game is over and the player gets a final score.

Database Systems Final Project

Hello, everyone! In this post I will be showing my database systems final project that I have been working on with my group which is James Barlian and Nixon Louis. The three of us have made a working program to run on a small business that sells footwear using MySQL database and Visual Basic.

The first step to our project, we designed our database to our vision by making how many tables we are going to use and making the contents as minimal as possible. We originally made 6 tables which are :
But we ended up with 7 tables and their datas which are :

Branch(BranchID, Address, City)
Primary Key BranchID
Auto Increment BranchID

Staff(StaffID, Name, Age, Gender, BranchID, PhoneNumber)
Primary Key StaffID
Foreign Key BranchID references Branch(BranchID)
Auto Increment StaffID

Wearables(ID, Type)
Primary Key ID
Auto Increment ID

Sneakers(SneakerID , Brand, Model, Price, Size, Stock, BranchID,ShoeType)
Foreign Key BranchID references Branch(BranchID)
Foreign Key ShoeType references Wearables(ID)

Sandals(SandalID , Brand, Model, Price, Size, Stock, BranchID, ShoeType)
Foreign Key BranchID references Branch(BranchID)
Foreign Key ShoeType references Wearables(ID)

Loafers(LoaferID , Brand, Color, Price, Size, Stock, BranchID, ShoeType)
Foreign Key BranchID references Branch(BranchID)
Foreign Key ShoeType references Wearables(ID)

Sport Shoes(SportID , Brand, Model, Type Price, Size, Stock, BranchID,ShoeType)
Foreign Key BranchID references Branch(BranchID)
Foreign Key ShoeTypereferences Wearables(ID)

After developing our database, we connected it to visual basic and created our program that is able to read, write, delete and update our database which we will show below.

This is basicly the first page of the program opened. Clicking the start button will redirect us to the main page.

This is the main page of the program where we can see a summary of all our data that are in our databases in each boxes. All of our datas in the database is shown here in this page. From this page. we can go to 8 different pages which are used to either add items to the database or see details for each category. We can also delete items from this page by selecting one of the items from the table and click their respective delete buttons below the table.

As you can see on the picture, the tables that show footwear has a number on their right that represents the size of the shoes that are available. If one of the shoes with a particular size has no stock, that shoe with the size will not be shown in this table so we can have a quick glance on what is available. If we need more information about the footwear, we can go to shoe details to see specifically on their information.

Add Section

For adding, we need to decide first what we want to add and click the correct option. So if we want to add staff, we need to click “Add Staff” and will be redirected to the respective page. In these “Add” pages, we can add a specific item to our database by typing in the information about the shoe. After typing the complete information and adding it, we need to refresh our main page so that the data will be shown in the main page.

For the option to add branch, we decided to put it on the branch details section because a regular staff should not have access to the Add Branch and we decided to hide it and not put it in the main page.

Details Section

On this page, we have listboxes which show the data of the branches that starts from the branchID, Address and City, we also have the option to add or update the branch from this page by filling in the textbox. For update, we need to fill with the ID we want to change and fill in the new information for the address and city to update.


On this page, we have listboxes which show the data of the staffs that starts from the name,age, gender, staffbranch and phonenumber. We can also update on this page by filling the old id and fill the new information on the other textboxes.


On this page, we have listboxes which show the data of the shoes that starts from type, brand and model, price, size, stock, and the place where it is stored.

If there are too much data on the listboxes, we have 2 options to reduce the amount of data. We can sort by choosing the category from the listbox on the bottom left or we can also search by using the box on the left to choose which category we want to search by and type the search.

In this page, we can also update shoe which will redirect us to this page.

This page will allow us to update an information on a shoe that we want to alter its information by typing the old information and the new information in their respective textboxes and when done, we can just click the respective update buttons and it will be updated.

That’s it for my program. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I hope my post is useful for you. I will write again soon.

Project Proposal


For this post, I will be telling a little bit about my final project. I will be teaming up with James and Nixon and we are going to make a database project based on footwear company. The job distribution will be split evenly with everyone making several tables ,inserting data on their own respective tables and eventually helping each other out. With this, I hope to have future updates on our project and soon show what we have been doing.